How to Get Your Creative Work Discovered

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Getting your creative work discovered is all about self-promotion. You have to make as many people as possible aware of it, and share it all the time.  Whether you are an author, a painter or clever with makings things is not the issue, it is how you get your skills known that matters. Networking is the best way to do this, but how do you get your network off the ground?

Put Your Work Online

These days, if you want more than a few locals to know how creative you are you need to put your work online. You need to look into web development to ensure that you have a site that is very user-friendly and shows your work to its best advantage.

You need to keep posting on your site too so that if people return for another look, there is always something new for them to view. This will help to keep them interested, and they are more likely to tell other people about your site.

Social Media

Social media has to be one of the ways of getting your creative projects discovered. With the millions of people that log into it every day, it cannot be ignored. You have to remember though that your social media page is only as good as the last post you made, and if you want people to go and look at the content of your website you need to make a fresh post every day.

It is best to try and build a network of connections before you start self-promoting, as then the users will already be aware of you before you let them know about your talents.

Instagram is a great platform for content creators

You cannot expect that everyone will like your creative work, but even if they comment that they are not impressed you should always stay positive, as that will encourage more people to take a look.

If you work in the creative sector then Instagram should be the best option for you at the moment. It’s quite easy to publish new posts, you can gain traction quite fast, and if your artwork is good the amount of followers will rise constantly. This applies for both designers or videographers as the medium is quite flexible and the amount of people that follow specific niche tags is quite big.

Allow Time For Work

Don’t get so engrossed in promoting yourself that you let the amount of work you do slide. Your work has to come first, as people need to see that your creative effort was not short-lived and that you are creating more all the time. When you have done the work you need to do each day then you can spend time putting more content on your site, or making new social media posts.

You also need to create boundaries for yourself or you will be stale and overtired. When you are feeling like this you will not be as creative as you normally are, which makes it self-destructive.  Have a set number of work hours. Start and finish work at the same times every day, as the routine is good for your creativity as well. The brain is very clever, and it will soon learn that those are the hours it needs to be the most creative.

It is said that everyone has a creative streak in them and that we just have to discover what it is. If you have found yours and want others to know about it, self-promotion by networking is the best way.

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