HOF Cafe - Website Showcase
HOF Cafe - Logo Buildup Showcase


HOF Cafe is a very popular Café located in Brasov, Romania. It is a really nice alternative space for people to come and drink a coffee or simply to organise events.


Alex Trofim, a graphic designer based in Brasov, commissioned me to animate the logo (initially designed by him) for HOF. They required an animated version of their existing logo to be used on the website, as well as in several promotional videos. The animation for the website is 14 seconds long, and loops continuously. The version rendered for the promotional videos is only 5 seconds long and has a single build-up.


  • Illustrator
  • After Effects
  • Motion Graphics
Contact Me

I'm not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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